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Writer's pictureDarnell Lowe

Anxious for Nothing

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

Traveling is my #1 hobby, so I spend a lot of time on airplanes. Getting on a plane means relinquishing complete control to the pilot for a couple hours or more. It means trusting that he knows exactly what he is doing while the airplane is moving at 30,000 feet in the air at 500 miles per hour. Sometimes the pilot must fly through a storm cloud which creates turbulence. This is when anxiety begins to creep in. The moment I hear the pilot’s voice telling us that the storm will only affect us temporarily, I believe him. I am reassured by the fact that he is professionally trained to handle these situations. I am comforted in knowing that I’ve flown through storms many times before and survived it. My faith in pilots deepen after every flight with scary turbulence. The pilot’s voice alone quickly dissipates my anxiety because I remember who he is and what he’s capable of. Despite feeling the intensity of the plane rocking violently, I have an internal peace that everything will be okay.

Now imagine what God can do for your life when you relinquish control and trust him. When the turbulence comes will you stay anxious or trust in the sovereignty of God? You’ve experienced Him getting you through tough times before. Will you keep questioning if he will do it again, or will you use past experiences to renew your faith?Do you know who God is and what he is capable of? When Paul says “Be anxious for nothing”(Philippians 4:6), he is imploring us to live a lifestyle of trusting God in every situation. Paul not only tells us what to do when anxiety arises, but how to do it. He continues in the same verse, “but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. This won’t be easy, but when practiced continually, will result in more peace and more joy no matter what life sends your direction. Live in confidence that God is good and is in control.

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